Pedagogical-didactic school internship
The collection of Internship reports takes place exclusively in the internship office.
Dear students,
To prepare for and accompany the school pedagogical block internship in spring 2025, there will be one tutorial for primary school teachers and one for secondary school teachers. Ms. Verena Schamberger is responsible for the course for secondary school teaching students and Ms. Evi Weigand for primary school teaching students.
You can find important information about the primary school/middle school teaching placement in spring 2025 here.
Please note that since 1 March 2020 the new „Gesetz für den Schutz vor Masern und zur Stärkung der Impfprävention“ (Measles Protection Act) is in force. With this new obligation to provide proof of measles protection, legislators want to effectively improve protection against the transmission of measles in institutions such as nurseries or schools. This means that you must take the appropriate protection as part of the internships at the schools („Nachweis über 2 Masernimpfungen“ or „Ärztliche Bescheinigung, dass eine Immunität gegen Masern besteht, weshalb kein Impfnachweis erforderlich ist“ or „Ärztliche Bescheinigung über eine dauerhafte medizinische Kontraindikation, aufgrund derer eine Masernschutzimpfung nicht gegeben werden darf“ or „Bescheinigung einer Behörde oder einer anderen Einrichtung, dass eine ärztliche Bescheinigung über Immunität oder dauerhafte Kontraindikation bereits vorgelegt wurde“). Your protection will be checked by the internship school. If this protection is not guaranteed, you will not be able to complete the internship. I therefore urge you to take care of the relevant proof in advance and bring it with you when you start your internship.
Practical training as a primary school/ secondary school teacher
As part of the pedagogical-didactic internship (formerly “Schulpädagogisches Blockpraktikum”), there are a few things to consider. You can find a brief overview of the most important points in this Checklist.
Please note that the pedagogical-didactic internship includes a compulsory tutorial.
In the run-up to the internship, please read the Guidelines for the internship documentation thoroughly. Further explanations and examples of the tasks in the internship can be found in the SUN-Heft Nr. 45: Das schulpädagogische Blockpraktikum an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (GS/MS). Zielsetzungen. Aufgaben. Hintergründe. Nuremberg 2024. The booklet can be purchased for €5 from the chair’s office. The complete and correct internship documentation is a prerequisite for the award of 3 ECTS.
Internship as a secondary school teacher
Registration for the internship for secondary school teacher trainees is possible online.
Students can access the registration form and register via a direct link or via the Homepage of the Internship Office. Registrations will be considered according to the date of receipt.
Postal address:
Praktikumsamt beim Ministerialbeauftragten für die Realschulen in Mittelfranken, Pommernstr. 10, 90451 Nuremberg
Tel: +49-911-6410683
Fax: +49-911-646854
Office hours (appointments recommended):
Monday-Friday: 8.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
Monday and Thursday: 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm